お米とアマランサスのパンケーキミックス + 乳酸菌 Pancake Mix + Lactic Acid Bacteria 【SAVOURY PLAIN】200g
お米とアマランサスのパンケーキミックス + 自然発酵乳酸菌
Rice & Amaranth Pancake Mix + Lactic Acid Bacteria from Naturally Fermented Rice
待望の<砂糖なしタイプ>のブレンド【SAVOURY PLAIN】が、自然発酵乳酸菌とセットになって新登場!このセットを使うと、 小麦・卵・乳製品を使用しなくても、グルテンフリー&ヴィーガンのお食事用パンケーキが簡単に作れます。
● お米とアマランサスのパンケーキミックス【Savoury】200g
● ウエダ家の自然発酵乳酸菌粉末 1g
A new blend 【SAVOURY】has just been launched, in addition to the sweet blend of Rice and Amaranth Pancake Mix with Lactic Acid Bacteria Powder 【RELAX】.
We are currently offering FREE SHIPPING (only in Japan) for a limited time!
The Pancake Set includes:
● Rice & Amaranth Pancake Mix【Savoury Plain】200g
● Lactic Acid Bacteria from Naturally Fermented Rice 1g
*Tax included.
*Shipping fees are free on this item.
・内容量 200g
・賞味期限 製造日より6か月
・保存方法 直射日光・高温多湿を避け、25度以下(夏は冷蔵)で保存
米粉(国産)、玄米粉(東北産)、こんにゃく粉末、アマランサス粉(東北産)、海塩(沖縄産)、乳酸菌(国産)/ アルミフリー・ベーキングパウダー、
With our SAVOURY blend, you can enjoy its simple taste just as it is, or adjust the flavour by adding honey or maple syrup for a sweeter taste or salt and pepper, etc. for a more savoury taste. Enjoy pancakes with your ideal taste profile
・Contents: 200g
・Shelf Life: 6 months
・Storage: Store in a cool dry place or fridge, avoiding direct sunlight.
White Rice Flour, Brown Rice Flour, Konjak Powder (contains Konjak Potato and Tapioca), Amaranthus Flour, Sea Salt, Lactic Acid Bacteria Powder (Rice-derived) / Aluminum-free Baking Powder
The product contains baking powder which is made from corn.
Both our recipe and factory are gluten free.
Please note that we cannot guarantee our products are completely free from allergens.